#MagnificentManMonday - King Jay Barnett
Jay Barnett
"...create your own lane, chase your own dream."
King | Youth Inspirational Speaker| Author
Jay Barnett is a leader, expert teen mentor, and bestselling author. He prides himself on showing teens that they are in fact Kings and Queens. Jay encourages teens to realize that leadership is a "moment to moment choice and not about title or position."
What makes him magnificent?
As a leader in the community, Jay serves as the senior consultant and Master Teen Mentor with his Sugarland, Texas-based organizations TheMeProject and TheWeProject. His organizations serve "at-risk" teens, ages 13-18 transitioning through foster care/group homes, Back To School Back Pack Campaigns, Football and Basketball camps to name a few and continues to work with the best and brightest in the leadership development field. As a result of working with Jay Barnett, teens develop self-esteem, self-worth, value their bodies and strong strong mindsets.
Jay's advice to young men:
"The advice I would give to young men who wish to pursue my current field is to have an understanding of their "Why." Understanding why they are pursing this field will help them to understand that it is a journey and not a destination."
What challenges have you had to overcome in order to pursue your goals?
"Most of the challenges that I had to overcome were mental. When you're in the business of people, either through speaking or providing resources it can become extremely draining. Most of the road blocks in life are more mental than anything.
Oftentimes we give too much power to things that don't exist in reality. I have to remind myself daily that I am a King and God gave me this gift to change the minds of others.
Very few times it is an individual that is standing in our way. When I began to see opposition as opportunity then I was able to face my challenges head on."
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