What if 2017 is all we have...

...I'd take that trip, write that book, ask the questions that require no answers. I'd make profound statements with zero regrets because... 2017 is all we have. 

I'd release the yesterdays, thank God for tomorrows and not worry about New Year's resolutions. I'd rid myself of negative energy and negative people realizing that disappearing acts are better in books and movies, and confidently make statements like... "I'm interested in you" without fear. I'd be a vessel that God can use. I'd finally let down my guard, show emotion and get in my feelings because... 2017 is all we have.

I'd stare a pit bull in his eyes and not flinch, dance with wolves, and tame lions. I'd be the giver of hugs that feel like home. I'd write poetry every day and swim in oceans of love, dive in seas of honesty, wade in rivers of humility thanking God that He created me just as I am...broken but unstoppable. I'd teach the next generation how to place peace over money, love over fame, and health over wealth. I'd dine with champions and kings and leaders and protectors because... 2017 is all we have. 


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