What if 2017 is all we have... continued...
If 2017 is all we have...
I'd shave my hair and dye it RED, rock my natural curls, put on that dress, blow out those candles and welcome in another year of life because everyone didn't make it this far.
If 2017 is all we have...
I'd write 36 thank you cards. I'd believe him when he says, "I'm interested in you." I'd tell him that I miss him, although he's in the next room. I'd let it flow and let the universe do it's work. I'd turn my dreams into reality. I'd cook that meal and welcome help and embrace something new and different and scary and accept that hug.
If 2017 is all we have...
I'd tear down this box that the world built around me. The box that says I have to speak, talk, walk, or act a certain way. The world that tells me to sit on a pew because showing up is all that really matters, right?
If 2017 is all we have...
I'd make that wish, write that story, give six-figures worth of knowledge for FREE, appreciate the lessons from the entertainers, the champions, the kings, the protectors, and even the love-makers and heartbreakers.
If 2017 is all we have...
I'd float in a pool of serenity, wade in a pond of forgiveness, soak in a bath of tranquillity, light a candle of HOPE, say a prayer of PEACE, place FAITH over fear, and wish upon a star of LOVE.
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