What does it mean to be Fierce?

What does it mean to be fierce?

Being fierce is more about confidence than what you look like on the outside; it comes from within. Being fierce means changing the narrative that women don’t work well together and women of color carry baggage and are difficult to work with.  It’s about knocking down walls when doors are closed and windows are locked.  It’s about having a vision, a goal, a dream, and not letting any person, place, or thing get in your way.  It’s about creating lanes for the women that are coming behind you.  Being fierce is being transparent and sharing your testimony knowing that through your heartache, tears, and suffering other women can be healed. Being fierce is understanding where your help and strength comes from and leaning on God for everything (every decision, every step, every idea).  Being fierce is about being true to yourself and not looking over the fence, out of the window, or on someone else’s timeline to determine your level of success.  Being fierce is understanding that your success may not look like the person next to you and being completely and utterly comfortable with that. Being fierce is surrendering and relinquishing control over every detail of every day and understanding that when many are gathered and are on one accord miracles happen, mountains are moved and lives are changed.

Be Fierce!
Love, C.A.C.H.


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